You were minding your own business when you suddenly started to experience an extreme pain in your mouth. You noticed the discomfort was coming directly from a tooth. You may have tried taking some pain medication, assuming it would help to take away the pain and make you feel better. However, the medication can only provide temporary relief. If you truly want permanent relief, you must see a dentist.
The pain you are experiencing may get worse if you do not head over to a dental office. If you think it is bad now, just imagine how you are going to feel when you are trying to sleep at night and cannot do so because of the way your tooth is feeling. There is a good chance that what you are feeling will start to get worse as you continue to go without any treatment for it.
The underlying cause of the tooth pain must be discovered by the dentist. If you do not receive treatment, the discomfort may continue to get worse. In fact, it may get so bad that you are unable to focus on anything else but the throbbing pain in your mouth. Only a dentist would know what is going on with the tooth. There could be a number of different reasons why you are starting to feel a sudden and excruciating pain, such as nerve damage, decay or even a missing filling. Visiting the office is the best way to get to the bottom of it right away.
Get the appropriate treatment for the problem. If you are not a dentist, it is not wise to provide treatment to yourself based on what you think is going on in your mouth. You may assume the pain is caused by something you ate that was a bit too cold or too hard on the teeth, but you can never be certain about it. In fact, one tooth may be decaying, causing you to feel such discomfort at random moments. As the decay continuously gets worse, you will likely start to feel even more pain.
The only way to avoid going through the agony for several days or even weeks is to have the problem treated by an experienced dentist. The dentist is the one who will perform the evaluation, look around at your teeth and ultimately find the problem. As soon as the problem is detected, a solution may be provided to you to help you get some relief. Check out this website to find out even more about the dentist in Cary.